Business Referral Thank You Cards

Referral thank you cards are a great way to show your appreciation to business associates for recommending your services. Your existing customers are also a great resource for new business. We offer you easy ways to ask for referrals at every opportunity from your existing clients. Referrals from happy clients is the #1 way to increase your business.

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Business Referral
Inside Greeting:
Actually, you already did!
Thank you for your referral.
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Wondering - Ask for Referrals
Inside Greeting:
Do you know of anyone who could benefit
from our services? Your trust and referrals
are greatly appreciated!
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Just A Note Ask for referral
Inside Greeting:
We Love our clients! If you have been happy with our services then the highest compliment you can give us is the referral of a new client.
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Business Referrals
Inside Greeting:
It is a pleasure to work with you and I will sincerely appreciate each and every referral you send me.
Click card to choose another inside greeting.
Slots to hold your business card
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Business referral thank you
Inside Greeting:
We appreciate your referrals. Thank you for your trust and confidence
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Just a Note Referral Card
Inside Greeting:
Thank You for your referral.
Your confidence in us is greatly appreciated!
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Simply Thanks Business Referral Card
Inside Greeting:
Thank You for your referral. Your confidence
in us is greatly appreciated
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Royal Damask Business Referral
Inside Greeting:
for your trust and confidence.
Thank You for your referral
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Tree of Promises - Business Referrals
Inside Greeting:
Rest assured that we'll go out of our way to
take care of any new clients you refer to our services!
Look forward to your referrals
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You Rock Business Referral
Inside Greeting:
Thank you for your referral!
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